Posts by Loretta Parsons


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We are so happy to announce our new board members for 2021.  We have a full board of directors from all walks for life; twelve members and two emeritus.  Clare Chatot -President , Christiana Mann-Vice President, Beth Bremigan -Treasurer ,…
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Together Everyone Achieves More.

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Hello, my name is Adam Keever. I am 41 years old, devoted to my loving and caring wife Jennifer, and very proud of our 6-year-old daughter Caroline. We are blessed and grateful to be Catholic Christians in the Muncie Pastorate.…
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We have made it to 2021. As I stated in my Christmas blog, 2020 was a year like no other.  My hope is that 2021 is a year like no other, as we rally to push back the pandemic and…
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Christmas is here ! Wishing you and your families the very best of holidays .  This has been a year like no other but we continue to be hopeful for the future , learn from our past, and be present…
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Here we are in November of  2020.  One year ago  none of us would have even thought we would be where we are today. I had never even heard of ZOOM, now my life is consumed by ZOOM almost daily.…
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  For many years, my family and I have known about the Soup Kitchen of Muncie, and found small ways to be supportive of its mission. Like many of you, we have responded to financial appeals and requests for specific…
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Today was suppose to be the day

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We were so looking forward to seeing you tonight and celebrating the Soup Kitchen of Muncie with our 10th Annual Dinner and Auction at the Horizon Convention Center.  As most of you know, with the onset of the COVID 19…
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Celebrate and be Thankful

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Last year on July 12th, we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the Gupta’s on July 14th,  and Naim’s 87th Birthday on July21st.  They provided the food for our meal and helped serve.  We had quite the celebration with cake shared…
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