HAND & FORK will donate 10% for all food sales to the SOUP KITCHEN OF MUNCIE, INC on Monday, MAY 21ST. Please stop by and enjoy their great food. Be sure to tell them when you check out you are…
What I’ve Learned Volunteering at the Soup Kitchen of Muncie I moved to Muncie a year ago, when my husband got a teaching position at BSU. Up until then I had been working at a non-profit in New York…
New Volunteer Mindy, cleaning fresh lettuce Our dinning room host, Phil Dunn and one of our guests discussing the topic of the day. Youth from Union Chapel helping Sherry make biscuits Putting away canned goods in our pantry …
Your time is a GIFT A volunteer, as the dictionary short definition states, is a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service. I would say that the 30-40 volunteers that serve at the Soup Kitchen…