Your time is a GIFT

A volunteer, as the dictionary short definition states, is a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service. I would say that the 30-40 volunteers that serve at the Soup Kitchen of Muncie INC.  fit this definition. However this short statement does not begin to share the heart of each volunteer. Whether they help cook, wash dishes, chop vegetables or mop the floor, the heart of our volunteers speaks volumes to their desire to make the world a better place.

Kitchen work is hard, cooking can be fun but there is nothing easy about cooking or preparing a meal for our guests at the soup kitchen.  Every day they come and give of their talents and desire to help, most of all they give us their time.  Time is the best gift we can give each other as we will never have enough time. What a gift to give your time and talents to your fellow neighbors who are struggling to make it in this world.  For whatever reason our guests may need to come to us to eat a meal, so they can face the day and make decisions for themselves and their families.

It is a privilege for me to work with these volunteers and serve our fellow human beings in Muncie, IN.

The Soup Kitchen of Muncie, INC. is in  need of volunteers; please help us help those who are in need in our community.  Please contact me through this website and I will be in touch with you.  Summer is coming and we are really busy at the kitchen.  We need volunteers on Monday right now as some of our volunteers are out doing other things that take them away from the kitchen, but any day would work, Monday- Friday from 7 am – 11 am, we can use your help.   Please be that person that has the willingness but most important the heart to help their fellow neighbors in Delaware County.

Thank you

Loretta Parsons
Executive Director
Soup Kitchen of Muncie, INC