We are very excited to introduce you to our board of directors. With the new year off and running, we started the year by adding more people to our board, going from 12 to 15 members. These people come from all walks of life and are ready to work hard to keep feeding people in our community and fulfilling our mission to feed the hungry of the Muncie Community with dignity and respect without regard to race, gender, sexuality, or religious preference.

We are going to introduce our officers first. Stay tuned, during the next several weeks we will introduce the rest of the board.

Each member was ask by our board president Jane Wiechel ”Why is the mission of the SKM important to you, and why do you personally choose to serve rather than just support the organization? ”

Meet Jane Weichel- President! (Jane is pictured here with her husband Russ and answers her own question first.)

Nothing is more precious than seeing the smiles on the people you have helped.  The mere knowledge that you’ve made a difference in someone’s life is enough to lift your soul.  That’s when you know that you have a purpose. It helps you understand that your work is much more than just cooking or serving food.  You are changing a life – something that is empowering and humbling at the same time.  This is why I choose to volunteer and serve on the Board of the Soup Kitchen of Muncie.  We are true to our mission to feed the hungry of the Muncie Community with dignity and respect without regard to race, gender, sexuality, or religious preference.  ALL are WELCOME no questions asked.

Meet SteVen Knipp- Vice President!

To me, the mission of the Soup Kitchen is so important, because in reality, the majority of Americans are only one accident or medical bill away from poverty. All of us deserve equal access to resources when in need. The soup kitchen serves everyone with dignity and without regard to their gender identity, sexuality, or race. This is important, because a lot of marginalized communities are underserved, and a lot of resource providers have religious ties, and restrict access to resources unless you fit into certain dogmatic criteria.

Meet Beth Bremigan-Treasurer!

It is important to me that we provide healthy food to everyone who needs to be fed. My first volunteer experience at the Soup Kitchen was during a summer, and I was happy to see children welcomed and fed as well as adults. I also appreciate that there are volunteer opportunities where people of all ages can offer what they can at various stages in their lives. In particular, children and youth groups can help with collecting donations and preparing sack lunches. During the past 15-20 years I have contributed to the soup kitchen and volunteered to help with events and the collection of food donations. I am now retired and able to serve as board member using my time and skills in ways that are different than I have in previous years.

Meet Adam Keever-Secretary!

I first heard of the Soup Kitchen of Muncie at St. Mary’s catholic church. It made me think of a period in my early 20’s when I was without work, hungry, and donated plasma often so I could buy groceries. All kinds of people may find themselves going hungry for all kinds of reasons and the Soup Kitchen’s mission recognizes and embraces them. I felt called to serve the Soup Kitchen, but I work during the Soup Kitchen hours of operation. I met Clare Chatot through the sacristan ministry at St. Mary’s and she was the President of the Soup Kitchen board of directors when she asked me to consider serving on the board in late 2019. I didn’t know what a board was but felt like the Holy Spirit must have been at work because I had been wanting to help the Soup Kitchen and the board meets in the evening. It has been a blessing to serve the Soup Kitchen’s mission thanks especially to the generosity of the volunteers, the board, and the community that supports it.