Introducing: Christiana Mann

We’d like to introduce our readers to new board member Christiana Mann. We’re grateful to have her expertise and passion.

Christiana Mann

Hi! My name is Christiana Mann and I recently accepted a board position for the Soup Kitchen of Muncie at the beginning of 2020.

I have supported the Soup Kitchen of Muncie over the years as an independent food vendor, and through the Ball State University Hospitality and Food Management program, where I currently teach. My first “hands-on” experience was during a faculty externship opportunity during the summer of 2019. Over the course of three months I volunteered in different roles observing, participating and learning the ins and outs of the organization. During that time I met so many friendly folks serving and receiving with such genuine love and compassion for their brothers and sisters. I knew I wanted to be a part of that and continue volunteering in some capacity.

I have over 20+ years of applied experience in food protection and enforcement, with a special interest in safety and sanitation. In my new role I will support the great work our staff and volunteers do on a daily basis, and by helping to create policies and procedures regarding acquisition, delivery, production, and service of food for our guests, especially during these exceptional and trying times. 

– Christiana