Mark Your Calendar

Do you find the holiday consumerism trend a little…tacky? Like there’s been a departure from the true meaning of giving? You’re not alone. In fact, you’re in very good company. In 2012, the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact at the 92nd Street Y developed the concept of #GivingTuesday as a response to the commercialism of the holidays and to create a culture of giving.



Giving Tuesday “connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations around the world for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving.” It uses the power of social media to connect generous souls with local charities that have a special need. Just last year, Giving Tuesday was celebrated in over 150 countries and raised over $300,000,000 for well-deserving organizations.

For our #GivingTuesday celebration, we’ll be making an announcement next Saturday on what we need and how it will help us continue to feed the hungry. Please continue to follow our blog for updates when we reveal our Giving Tuesday need and ways that you can help us achieve our goal this year.

We hope you plan to join us on this extra-special kick-off to the holiday season. Mark your calendar for November 27 so that you can make difference in your community.