Are you dreading spending hours in a hot kitchen canning and preserving the final produce from your summer garden? These are the last few good weeks of summer and we don’t blame you for wanting to enjoy them! If your harvest has been particularly bountiful and you don’t have the time to process it, donate it to the Soup Kitchen of Muncie.
There are many ways to support us and produce donations are a wonderful way to ensure your harvest doesn’t go to waste and our guests get to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables. If you have too many tomatoes, apples, beans, squash, or any other sort of produce to share, please give us a call at 765-287-8439. We’ll be delighted to incorporate it into our menu.

This is Part One in a series on Ways to Give. Stay tuned to learn more ways you can support our mission – even if you aren’t able to make a financial contribution.