“Pies for Peace” brings people together with food

Pies for Peace brought over 200 servings of pie to the guests of the Soup Kitchen of Muncie. The guests loved the pie but more than that it brought them together over a wonderful and unexpected dessert. Rarely do the guests get pie for lunch however with the generosity of the local group, Pies for Peace, everyone had pie for dessert. Pies for Peace really brought people together. It was great to hear the laughter and fun when our guests have something so cool and delicious and unusual as pie for dessert. I guess pie can make everyone happy.

Pies for Peace is a local group of women who believe that when diverse people come together they can benefit from sharing what they have in common not how they are different. They believe nothing is more common than “American Pie” hence the name, Pies for Peace.

Not only did the group Pies for Peace bring and serve pie to over 150 guests, they also helped prepare and serve the entire meal. The Soup Kitchen of Muncie greatly appreciated their work. Thank you, thank you!